Relationship Perks

Save more on your loan with our Relationship Perks program.

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Rates effective 3/20/25
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
* = As low as

Cars, Trucks, & Street Motorcycles

Loan Type Term APR*
New Vehicle Up to 72 months 6.28%
New Vehicle 73 to 78 months 6.77%
Used 2023-2025 Up to 72 months 6.28%
Used 2023-2025 73 to 78 months 6.77%
Used 2020-2022 Up to 66 months 6.48%
Used 2020-2022 67 to 72 months 6.98%
Used 2017-2019 Up to 60 months 6.99%
Used 2017-2019 61 to 66 months 7.48%
Used 2016 & Older Up to 54 months 7.60%

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Rates and applicant's qualifications may vary. Loans are subject to a one-time $49 processing fee. APR on a $20,000 loan is 6.28% based on a rate of 6.19%, resulting in an approximate payment of $334.07, for a 72 month term.

Rates effective 3/20/25
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
* = As low as

Recreational Vehicles & Boats

Loan Type Term APR* Min. Amount
New Vehicle 72 months 5.99% n/a
New Vehicle 84 to 120 months 6.55% $20,000
New Vehicle 121 to 144 months 7.04% $50,000
Used 2023-2025 72 months 5.99% n/a
Used 2023-2025 84 to 120 months 6.55% $20,000
Used 2023-2025 121 to 144 months 7.04% $50,000
Used 2021-2022 up to 72 months 6.58% n/a
Used 2021-2022 84 to 120 months 7.55% $20,000
Used 2021-2022 121 to 144 months 8.04% $50,000
Used 2016-2020 up to 72 months 8.08% n/a
Used 2016-2020 84 to 120 months 9.05% $20,000
Used 2015 & Older up to 60 months 8.10% n/a
Used 2015 & Older 72 to 84 months 9.07% $5,000

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Rates and applicant's qualifications may vary. Loans are subject to a one-time $49 processing fee. APR on a $20,000 loan is 5.99% based on a rate of 5.90%, resulting in an approximate payment of $331.36, for a 72 month term.

Relationship Perks

Save more on your loan with our Relationship Perks program.

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(Non-Street Motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs, PWCs, Golf Carts, Snowmobiles, & Scooters)

Rates effective 3/20/25
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
* = As low as

Loan Type Term APR*
New Vehicle up to 72 months 7.58%
Used 2023-2025 up to 72 months 7.58%
Used 2021-2022 up to 60 months 8.09%
Used 2019-2020 up to 48 months 8.60%
Used 2018 & Older up to 48 months 9.60%

Apply Online

Rates and applicant's qualifications may vary. Loans are subject to a one-time $49 processing fee. APR on a $20,000 loan is 7.58% based on a rate of 7.49%, resulting in an approximate payment of $346.55, for a 72 month term.

Second Mortgages

Access cash by borrowing against the equity in your home at a fixed rate. The processing fee is $199 but only $99 with Relationship Perks. 

Rates effective 3/20/25
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
* = As low as

Loan Type Term APR*
Second Mortgage - Owner Occupied up to 120 months 6.568%
Second Mortgage - Owner Occupied 121 to 180 months 7.047%
Second Mortgage - Owner Occupied 181 to 240 months 7.538%

View Other Mortgage Products

Rates and applicant's qualifications may vary. Loans are subject to a one-time $199 processing fee. APR on a $60,000 loan is 6.568% based on a rate of 6.49%, resulting in an approximate payment of $683.36 for a 120 month term with the $199 fee included. Maximum amount financed is $350,000 or up to 100% of Appraisal Value minus First Mortgage. AVM required on loan amounts $50,000 to $100,000. Appraisal required on all CLTV higher than 80% or loan amounts above $100,000. Property location must be within a hundred (100) mile radius of any MidWest America Branch. Ask for more details. Rates and applicant's qualifications may vary.

Share Secured Loans

Rates effective 3/20/25
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
* = As low as

Type Term APR*
100% Share Secured Up to 5 Years 3.05%

Personal Loans

Rates effective 3/20/25
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
* = As low as

Type Term APR*
Personal (Max. amount $15,000) Up to 60 months 11.90%

Apply Online

Rates and applicant's qualifications may vary.

Savings Rates

Quarterly rates effective as of 12/31/24
Monthly rates effective as of 2/28/25
APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Type Min. Opening
Term Proposed
Min. Balance to
Earn Dividends
Regular Shares $5 Daily 0.05% $200 Quarterly 0.05%
You Name It Savings $1 Daily 0.05% $0.00 Quarterly 0.05%
Youth Savings $1 Daily 2.96% $0 to $500 Monthly 3.00%
Youth Savings $1 Daily 0.05% $500.01 Monthly 0.05%
Freedom Checking $0.00 Daily 0.00% n/a No distribution 0.00%
Benefits Plus® Checking $0.00 Daily 0.00% n/a No distribution 0.00%
Reward Checking $0.00 Daily 1.25% $0 to $10,000 Monthly 1.26%
Reward Checking $0.00 Daily 0.51% $10,000.01 + Monthly 0.51%
Reward Checking (when req not met) $0.00 Daily 0.01% $0 Monthly 0.01%
Liquid Gold1 $2,500 Daily 0.30% $2,500 Monthly 0.30%
Liquid Gold1 $2,500 Daily 0.46% $10,000 Monthly 0.46%
Liquid Gold1 $2,500 Daily 0.56% $25,000 Monthly 0.56%
Liquid Gold1 $2,500 Daily 0.66% $50,000 Monthly 0.66%
Century Money Market $100,000 Daily 3.60% $100,000 Monthly 3.66%
Century Money Market (when req not met) $100,000 Daily 0.05% $0 Monthly 0.05%
Health Savings Account $25.00 Daily 0.05% $500 Monthly 0.05%
Health Savings Account $25.00 Daily 0.30% $2,500 Monthly 0.30%
Health Savings Account $25.00 Daily 0.51% $10,000 Monthly 0.51%
  1. Liquid Gold - $500 minimum transaction limit for all deposits and withdrawals. Up to six withdrawals or transfers can be made per month.
  • APY = Annual Percentage Yield
  • The above rates are variable and fees may reduce earnings.
  • The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change every quarter. MidWest America FCU may change the dividend rate for your account as determined by the Credit Union Board of Directors
  • Accounts with Quarterly Dividend Distribution - the dividend period is quarterly, for example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of such dividend period is March 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend effective date is the last date of the dividend period, and for the example above is March 31.
  • Accounts with Monthly Dividend Distribution - the dividend period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of the first dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend effective date is the last day of the dividend period, and for the example above is January 31.
  • For more information, see your Truth-in-Savings disclosure.

IRA Rates

Rates effective 2/28/25
APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Type Term Dividend
Min. Balance to
Earn Dividend
Traditional Share IRA Daily 0.14% $1.00 Monthly 0.14%
Roth IRA Daily 0.14% $1.00 Monthly 0.14%
Coverdell ESA Daily 0.14% $1.00 Monthly 0.14%
  • *APY = Annual Percentage Yield
  • The above rates are variable and fees may reduce earnings.
  • Accounts with Monthly Dividend Distribution - the dividend period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of the first dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date is the last day of the dividend period, and for the example above is January 31.
  • For more information, see your Truth-in-Savings disclosure.

Certificate Rates

Rates effective 3/19/25
APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Special Certificates Term Dividend
Minimum Balance
Share Certificate 7 month 4.17% $500 Monthly 4.25%
Traditional/Roth IRA Certificate 14 month 3.93% $500 Monthly 4.00%


Regular Certificates Term Dividend
Min. Balance Dividend
Share/IRA Certificate 1 week 0.03% $10,000 Maturity 0.03% 0.23%
Share/IRA Certificate 4 week 0.03% $10,000 Maturity 0.03% 0.23%
Share/IRA Certificate 91 days 0.499% $500 Maturity 0.50% 0.70%
Share/IRA Certificate 182 days 0.60% M / 0.60% Q $500 Monthly /Quarterly 0.60% 0.80%
Share/IRA Certificate 182 days 0.60% M / 0.60% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 0.60% 0.80%
Branch Into Savings Youth Certificate 12 month 1.98% M $500 - $1,000 Monthly 2.00% N/A
Share/IRA Certificate 12 month 1.00% $500 Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 12 month 0.99% M / 1.00% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 18 month 1.00% $500 Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 18 month 0.99% M / 1.00% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 24 month 1.00% $500.00 Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 24 month 0.99% M / 1.00% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 30 month 1.00% $500 Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 30 month 0.99% M, 1.00% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 36 month 1.00% $500 Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 36 month 0.99% M / 1.00% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 48 month 1.00% $500 Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 48 month 0.99% M / 1.00% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 60 month 1.00% $500 Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 60 month 0.99% M / 1.00% Q $10,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%
Share/IRA Certificate 60 month 0.99% M / 1.00% Q $25,000 Monthly / Quarterly 1.00% 1.20%

View our Share Certificate Specials

  • *APY = Annual Percentage Yield
  • 1 = *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate is available starting October 23, 2023 for a limited time only. Minimum deposit of $500 required.  No maximum deposit for 7 Month term. $250,000 maximum deposit for 17 Month Traditional/ Roth IRA. Penalty for early withdrawal. Annual percentage yield (APY) based on monthly compounding. 7 Month term is not eligible for Traditional/ Roth IRA certificates. Relationship Perks do not apply to these special rates.  New money not required for special rates. Other restrictions may apply. Deposits federally insured up to $250,000 by the NCUA and additional $250,000 excess share insurance provided by ESI. IRAs are separately insured to $250,000 by the NCUA, and an additional $250,000 by ESI, for a total of $500,000.
  • 2Every member with an active checking account (Freedom, Benefits Plus®, or Reward Checking) is eligible for Relationship Perks. Checking account must be open for at least 30 days with a minimum of 5 transactions in the most recent month. 
  • There may be penalty for early withdrawal.
  • Quarterly Certificates - For this account type, the dividend period is quarterly, for example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of such dividend period is March 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date is the last date of the dividend period, and for the example above is March 31.
  • Monthly Certificates - the dividend period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of the first dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date is the last day of the dividend period, and for the example above is January 31.
  • For more information, see your Truth-in-Savings disclosure.
  • M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly

Business Savings Rates

Quarterly rates effective as of 12/31/24
Monthly rates effective as of 2/28/25
APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Type Min. Opening
Term Proposed
Min. Balance to
Earn Dividends
Member Business Share Savings $100
Business Gold Money Market
Business Gold Money Market
Business Gold Money Market
Business Gold Money Market
Business Gold Money Market
Business Checking
$0.00 to $25,000
Business Checking
$25,000.01 to $50,000
Business Checking
$50,000.01 to $75,000
Business Checking
$75,000.01 +
Association Checking
Small Business Checking
No Distribution
  • APY = Annual Percentage Yield
  • The above rates are variable and fees may reduce earnings.
  • The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change every quarter. MidWest America FCU may change the dividend rate for your account as determined by the Credit Union Board of Directors
  • Accounts with Quarterly Dividend Distribution - the dividend period is quarterly, for example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of such dividend period is March 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend effective date is the last date of the dividend period, and for the example above is March 31.
  • Accounts with Monthly Dividend Distribution - the dividend period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of the first dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend effective date is the last day of the dividend period, and for the example above is January 31.
  • For more information, see your Business Truth-in-Savings disclosure.

What will my monthly payment be?